King Lions Behavioral Expectations

Last month, King MS adopted new Behavioral Expectations (with input through our Magnets and SDM). There will be activities such as Poster Contests, Door Decorating Contests, and input from student groups such as Leadership, Peer Mediators, and GSA, etc to flesh out what this looks like in the day to day.


King Lions are Respectful.

I treat others the way I want to be treated.

I respect laws, rules, and school authority.

I treat people fairly and respect their rights.

I respect private and public property.


King Lions are Responsible.

I take responsibility for my actions.

I choose how I respond to others.

I return what I borrow.


King Lions are Appreciative of Differences.

I look for the good in others.

I respect each other’s right to be different.

I see cultural diversity as an opportunity for learning.


King Lions are Life-Long Learners.

I come to school prepared to learn.

I give my best in everything I do.

I am open and alert to solutions.
