With funding from Friends of King, EnrichLA’s Garden Rangers deliver an interdisciplinary garden-based education program that allows students to learn in a wonderful outdoor classroom- the garden! Our program offers students six introductory lessons about their school garden. The schedule allows all students to visit the garden throughout the year. Each six-week unit covers the following garden topics: Garden Introduction, Soil, Friends and Foes, Climate and Seasons, Parts of a Plant, and Harvesting and Food Preparation. Throughout the units, the students care for and maintain the garden. This is the ultimate lesson. They can control the space through their efforts.
EnrichLA is a community wellness non-profit organization that creates edible gardens in local schools, focusing on low-income and underserved neighborhoods of Los Angeles. In the past three years, EnrichLA has created gardens in over 70 schools throughout the city serving youth ages 3-18. The need for school gardens has increased along with the need to, (1) educate youth and their communities about growing food, (2) inspire youth to become environmental stewards, and (3) engage youth in meaningful place-based education.